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SEO Keyword Strategy for SaaS Websites

Jessica Crosby • Jul 30, 2021
SEO Keyword Strategy for SaaS Websites

Ever wonder why certain SaaS (Software as a Service) companies are everywhere on Google? It seems like they have a piece of content for everything. What these companies are doing is trying to reach a particular customer in a variety of ways. They know how to reach marketing managers, accountants, realtors, or any other professional they're trying to target. 

A good SEO strategy provides value to its potential companies. That shouldn’t be hard for a SaaS company to accomplish. SaaS companies make money by being continuously helpful. So why not develop an SEO strategy that reinforces that ideal?

Crosby Digital Marketing helps SaaS companies grow their online presence with
SEO. Contact us today to get started

What is SaaS SEO?

SaaS companies desire to increase traffic organically by ranking on searches their customers are performing. 

What makes SEO for SaaS companies different is that often your customers do not know you exist yet. Often you need to target keywords that are solution-oriented. 

Why do you need an SEO strategy for your SaaS company?

An SEO strategy brings potential customers to your site organically. These leads are looking for solutions to their problems, and with the proper strategy, your company can offer the answers they need higher up on Google’s search results page (SERP). 

SEO for SaaS is about solving problems

When formulating a strategy for your SaaS website, most people do not know you exist. They are probably not searching for your company directly. That’s ok. They can still find you.

People are turning to Google for questions that improve their life, work, and business. Your software does amazing things for the right people. You just need to target the keywords that help solve people’s problems.

Perform keyword research that fits into your funnel

Marketers love to talk about funnels. But keyword research and SEO are successful when used with a funnel strategy. Your prospects come to your site at different stages of the buyer’s journey. 

We’ll walk you through each part of the funnel and then break down how you should think about keywords at each stage. 

Top of the funnel keywords for SaaS websites

At the top of the funnel, you will have a lot of people searching for broad knowledge. They may be searching for general how-tos in their industry. The key at this level is to get people’s attention in your market, so they pursue more information.

For example,
JotForm is a company that specializes in website forms. They can capture people at the top of the funnel by writing content about what it requires to have a HIPPA compliant website. This would be one of the first things a person putting together a healthcare website would search if they have limited knowledge. 

People at the top of the funnel don’t yet know about your company. They are just beginning to discover that they have a problem that needs a solution. You will see a high volume of searches and traffic but a lower conversion rate. This is because you are working on awareness at this stage. 

Your most qualified leads will keep digging deeper in their Google searches, and with the right strategy, you should be guiding them through your funnel. 

Middle of the funnel keywords for SaaS websites

In the middle of your funnel, you will find people who are aware of their own problems and are now researching solutions. 

So, if we go back to the
JotForm example, you may get people who know their website forms are not HIPAA compliant at this level of the funnel. They are now conducting searches like, “How do I make my website forms HIPAA compliant?” They have identified their problem and are now seeking a solution.

You are now targeting people who have the intent to purchase your software. So you need to be targeting keywords that relate to your features and the solutions your technology offers. 

Bottom of the funnel keywords for SaaS Websites

You have now found the most focused prospects at the bottom of your funnel. There will be even fewer of these people conducting searches for keywords at the bottom of your funnel, but they are the most likely to buy. Your conversion rate will be the highest at this level.

This is the place where people are searching for things like:

  • What’s the price of XYZ?
  • Is premium XYZ worth it?
  • XYZ vs. ABC software

Show up for these searches when people are researching your SaaS company. These are the people who are most likely going to purchase your product. 

Edit your keyword lists for intent to refine your strategy

There are a lot of different types of SEO software that can help you create keyword lists. But they are only as good as the professional that is operating it. An SEO expert will refine keyword lists based on customer intent and categorize the keyword’s place in the funnel.

Once the software creates a keyword list, it’s essential to look closely at the list. Do people who search each keyword intend to buy your product, or at least one day can be convinced to buy your product? If not, you should drop the keyword.

There also has to be some categorization for each keyword that you decide to target to write
content that converts

Crosby Digital Marketing helps SaaS companies with SEO for their websites

We help companies define their SEO strategy and develop content that ranks. We’d love to help you with your SEO strategy today. We’re located in Franklin, TN. We help companies in Nashville and throughout the country with their SEO needs.

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